The NLMEA is focused on building a caring, collaborative community of passionate music educators through professional development, ultimately for the benefit of students.

The Newfoundland and Labrador Music Educators' Association
The Newfoundland and Labrador Music Educators' Association operates as a
special interest council of the NLTA.
It serves as a professional learning community whose main objectives are:
-To act as an agency to promote the continuous professional development of all members.
-To serve as a clearing house for new ideas, trends, and developments in the teaching of music.
-To furnish recommendations and advice to the provincial executive of the NLTA and to other
committees of the NTLA on matters affecting the supervising and teaching of music in schools.

NLMEA members gain access to professional learning events and resources shared within our growing community of music educators.

NLMEA members can register for upcoming professional learning events offered throughout the year.

NLMEA members have access to quarterly newsletters, meeting minutes, and various educational resources.
October 25, 2024
Session Descriptions:
Orff Instruments in Action: Join this interactive workshop to unlock the full potential of Orff mallet instruments in your music classroom. We'll explore a range of content, from activities for lower elementary students to strategies for engaging upper elementary students. Discover how to foster creativity through playful musical experiences tailored to different age groups. (SESSION OFFERED TWICE) *SECOND SESSION FULL*
Ukulele in the Upper Elementary Classroom: In this hands-on session, we will explore techniques, ideas, and songs for introducing the ukulele to upper elementary students. Participants will have the opportunity to refine their own playing technique, learn practical tips and tricks, and join in a play-along designed specifically for teachers to enhance their skills and confidence in the classroom. (SESSION OFFERED TWICE) *SECOND SESSION FULL*
Melodic Minds: Exploring Composition in Primary/Elementary Classrooms: In this session, educators will embark on a journey into the world of music composition in the primary/elementary music classroom. From simple melodies to collaborative compositions, attendees will explore strategies and ideas for guiding their students through the exciting process of creating their own music.
Improvising for Young Musicians: In this workshop, we will discuss improvising for young musicians, with a particular focus on improvising in jazz band and formal school settings. Key areas of focus will include melodic pitch material, rhythmic material, jazz as a language, key repertoire for developing jazz fluency, and applying jazz knowledge to other styles.
Choral Intonation: Balance, Blend and a Bag of Ear Training Tricks: This session will be an interactive choral workshop exploring “just” intonation through demonstrations and group singing.
Middle School Sharing Session: Come join Kristian Butt as we share and discuss our best practices in the Middle School classroom. We will also start off our session with some restorative practices to set up a safe and welcoming sharing space. Whether you are doing band, choir or classroom, come along and share some resources and experiences with the group.
Informal Learning, Popular Music Ensembles, and Learning by Ear: In this session, attendees will be presented with the tenets of informal learning, how to facilitate rock stations, and be taken through the process of learning by ear as a whole class. Attendees will be led through what is needed to be successful and the practical skills to help facilitate by-ear learning with their groups.
Teaching Guitar Authentically: Bring a guitar and play along as we explore the unique educational properties of learning the guitar and how you can keep the learning authentic and true to the instrument and its most famous musicians. We will also be exploring how to incorporate the instrument into regular classroom instruction with only a few guitars in your arsenal!
Exploring Music Technology: Chrome Music Lab: Unleash creativity with music technology. Attendees will explore Chrome Music Lab and its "hidden" abilities. Attendees will be led through various projects and activities using CML suitable for learners in grades K through 12. Exploring and playing during this session are highly encouraged. *SESSION FULL*
Stone Soup: An Orff based approach to the book “Stone Soup”: This session is based upon the book “Stone Soup” and participants will use multiple ostinati and barred instruments to create a musical version of stone soup.
Sound and Tech - A How to Demonstration of Live Sound for Teachers: Come join Kristian Butt and Matt Dines of Hurricane Music as they do a step by step demonstration of how to set up for a live concert at your school. Following the demonstration we will have time for a Q & A to answer any questions you may have about live sound.
Dalcroze Delights: In this fully interactive workshop we’ll play with some typical Eurhythmics games that will invite your students to deepen their awareness of such things as meter, phrasing and form. During our time together we’ll hope to touch on the typical Dalcroze lesson trio of movement ideas, aural skills (audiation), and improvisation invitations. Be ready to move, sing, throw some balls, maybe use a paintbrush - and probably laugh quite a bit!
Percussion Techniques: This session offers participants a quick refresher on basic percussion techniques as well as tips and tricks to develop skills and keep young percussionists engaged in rehearsals. Bring your sticks and practice pads and get ready to engage in a hands-on session.
Band Repertoire Listening Session with Discussion sponsored by Long and McQuade: Sit in with members of the NL Band Association and listen to new band repertoire, hopefully discovering pieces that could work with your ensembles. Featured repertoire will include pieces ranging from gr. 1 - 3+. Expect some sharing and discussion!